jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012

When the trunk of the tree is crooked the branches cannot grow correctly.

In the last few days I have been taking Iyangar yoga classes. This branch of yoga was recommended to me by a dear friend,a psychoanalyst by training and a practitioner of Iyangar yoga for over 30 years..What always amazed me about him, is his calmness, good humor and spiritual deepness. He makes everyone feel comfortable and calm, initially. Once you get to know him, you realize the depth of this man but without the emotional turbulence that often accompanies this openness to delve into the unconscious.

I am determined to get to the root of my problems, my suffering and unhappiness. Many times, I have asked myself why is it so hard for me. I have felt guilty, in many ways realizing that in the grand scope of things, I have no reason to be unhappy. Mostly, I have looked for a way out of that unhappiness.... and in my case, the guilt associated with it.

Through Iyangar yoga, I think I found the root of the problem. I ve tried other yogas before which were great but nothing like this. The wikipidia defines iIyangar yoga like this,” [It} is characterized by precise attention to detail and precise focus on body alignment. Iyengar pioneered the use of "props" such as cushions, benches, blocks, straps and sand bags, which function as aids allowing beginners to experience asanas more easily and fully than might not otherwise be possible without years of practice.” “ It is a slow, intense yoga, by the way, recommended for everyone including grannies. My experience is anything but slow. After just a few classes, my body changed. The tension I have been carrying all these years in my body is beginning to release. I am in tune with my own mind body connection. I have stopped working on the mind and body as separate from each other, and the result is more than I had imagined.

I am sure you are thinking, yes well we all know this. You are right. I thought I knew it too and I was doing everything possible to make myself, better, happier, more fulfilled. Thanks, my friend, you have shown me a new path and I am loving it .

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