miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

Heightened Awareness

Yesterday I was walking down a busy street in the center of Barcelona where I live. It was after my yoga class and I was feeling the heightened awareness that comes from practicing yoga. The day was sunny and spring like and the street bustling with the usual cars and motorcycles,bicycle riders,shoppers, tourists, and people rushing to a destination to which they must arrive at a predetermined time . Presumably, this latter group was going to work. Then in the midst of this group , I saw her. I believe this is the first time I have ever seen this. I stared at her. Yes I did. I stood there and stared at her, but not to worry, believe me when I tell you that she did not notice me. How could she? In her face and body language I could sense that her attention dispersed in her incredible multitasking could not handle any more . I didn’t stare at her out of contempt or disapproval but out of astonishment and disbelief. Have we really come to this? Are moments in our life not important enough with one single activity? Do we always have to multitask? Is this how we have come to believe that we are leading productive and fulfilling lives? The woman was breastfeeding her baby while walking very quickly to her destination. Luckily I suppose for her , no one else on the street seem to take much notice of her. They were all rushing about also involved in their individual multitasking, I assume. For me, she became an image of self revelation. I believe in slowing down and noticing the moments of life which stand out by their very nature to bring peace and heartfelt sincerity. To me , it is a matter of bringing value to life itself, not just overbooking.

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