jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

Birth of a blog


I am American living in Spain. That, in itself is not so unusual. But what people here marvel about me, is that I usually wake up at around 5 AM Spanish time, the time most people are coming back from partying on the weekends in this country. But what intrigues them most is “what do you do at that hour?” Well, I say, I get on the internet, I talk to my friends and son in the United States, I read the world wide press, especially that of the countries that I am most attached to for one reason or the other, and I write. Wait a minute, I thought the other day..... people don't write anymore.... they blog. Those words “anymore” kindled an idea, and so the blog “Changing the Granny Glasses” was born.

I am not a granny yet. And honestly, I don't expect to be one in the near future. But I am a mother, and I wanted to be a mother since I was five. I know that may not seem overly ambitious to many liberated, highly productive and extraordinarily remunerated men and women of my generation but I think motherhood, in fact parenthood, these days gets a very undeserved bad rap.

I have done other things besides being a mother. But motherhood is as fascinating to me today as it was when I was five, and I have now been working on this motherhood career for 22 years. Let me just add that I doubled up on the work every single day of my career as I not only had twins, I had boy / girl twins. Whatever the politically correct stance is on this.. boys and girls are different from the word go. What happens as they grow depends on many things, but at least in my mind, boys will be boys and girls will be girls. I am very grateful for that.

1 comentario:

  1. Hey guys i have no idea on how you can leave comments here but \i will try to work this out. thanks a lot for reading this blog... 107 hits in less than a few hours.... we are on a roll.
